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Re: What to do when you lost your hope?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:47 am
by Anonimous980
Many thanks for the links Bunny,it really gives us a hope.
Marksanchez,thats true,this forum should have a section just for recovery stories,it will be much easier for people

Re: What to do when you lost your hope?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:41 am
by pete
To Chessboxin and all who feel the same,

Not a long time ago i was in the same situation as you. Now i am 100% cured. Probably i can't tell you a cure that will work for everyone.
But i can tell there is NO permanent damage. 'Just' something desensitized, downregulated, uncoupled,.... whatever.
What helped me the most to deal with this condition? It was studying about biology.
Just some basics and you will learn how incredible fast knowledge is envolving in this sector.
In 5 years pssd will be solved for sure. Sounds like a lot time but if we are talking in terms of suicide - it's nothing.
Keep in mind the 5-ht1a is one receptor where tons of research is running on. It's a blockbuster receptor.

Happy Christmas to all of you

Re: What to do when you lost your hope?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:12 am
When I lose my hope
I think of you people
It makes me feel so much better