PSSD research plan
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PSSD research plan
I decided to delete this post due to change of plans
Last edited by PSSD’s_Master on Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Determined-Mind
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Re: PSSD research plan
Thanks, it's interesting, don't give up!
Can you tell us what treatments have helped you here?
Can you tell us what treatments have helped you here?
Re: PSSD research plan
Discord link is deadPSSD’s_Master wrote: ↑Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:06 pm I’ve been studying PSSD recently, and I’ve already made some discoveries. I’ve been studying neuroscience and pharmacology for a few years now. I’ve learned a broad variety of topics through studies, anecdotes, and personal experience. This is much superior than just learning from a textbook like a doctor would. You will never ever gain a deep understanding with only a textbook. Recently my understanding has improved a lot from learning similar/related topics as PSSD.
I think this community should look at the bigger picture, instead of being so fixated on specific receptors. How the brain generally functions, and look higher up. Instead of obsessing over a receptor, figure out what regulates those receptors, figure out what regulates homeostasis. Who is the boss of the boss’s boss? I think I know what is the highest up boss, but I’m not certain on all the details.
This community is full of misinformation which is very dangerous. For example everyone has been misunderstanding how Epigenetic’s work. Epigenetic changes don’t happen by random, you DO NOT need an HDACi, DNMTi, etc to make epigenetic changes. The epigenome is programmed by input. For example Cocaine activates a signalling cascade that causes epigenetic changes to to a transcription factor in dopamine neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens. D1 -> AC -> cAMP -> PKA -> CREB -> Delta FosB -> DeltaFosB recruits HDAC1 to Cfos promoter, deacetylating histones there, which represses Cfos expression there. There is a reason for everything. Epigenetic changes alone don’t explain PSSD, and are not the main cause of PSSD. Misinformation is the biggest danger to people here. It can lead to crashes, or no improvements, which gives the illusion that PSSD is incurable and then people give up.
My goal is to figure out everything about PSSD.
-The complete pathology; All the mechanisms behind PSSD, and how it was caused.
-PSSD riddles: Crashes, windows, why it’s so rare. I am confident about my theory about why some people get PSSD instantly after switching to a 2nd or 3rd SSRI/SNRI. I have some good ideas about windows and crashes but it’s still not clear.
-Genital numbness: This symptom is one of the most distressing and it’s universal.
-Sex hormone insensitivity: I credit Meso for this find. He also inspired me to study PSSD. I want to figure out what and how this is caused. I believe this is caused indirectly. I will need to learn more about the signalling cascades, and indirect factors that effect ER/AR. I assume it’s an indirect cascade, effecting the transcription factors which regulate ER/AR signalling. I’ve looked at this briefly a while ago. I will look into this comprehensively.
-neuroinflammation: This will be multiple mechanisms for sure. This is caused indirectly.
-HPA Axis: I am certain this is involved in the majority of cases. I have not even look at this yet
-Muted/weak orgasms: I will study this symptom at a later point. I have studied this briefly in the past. I have some plausible ideas.
And more topics as well, but my main goal is a hypothesis that explains; PSSDs main mechanism’s, how it was caused, and how this explains windows, crashes, etc.
I will look at treatment/cure options once I have a comprehensive theory that explains PSSD, and it’s mysteries. What’s helped keep me going over the years is if I give up PSSD wins and I lose. I can’t accept that. I refuse to lose. I am vengeful towards PSSD after all the pain it caused me. I want to put an end to PSSD. I will need a lot of data to make this possible. I will post a short survey here soon.
I have already made some new ideas/discoveries about PSSD.
-I am certain there are prerequisite event(s) required to develop PSSD. You can see them on the discord server under polling.
-I suspect trauma from PSSD is partly to blame for some symptoms (emotional blunting, anhedonia, cognition) and it’s also worsening neuroinflammation. From a small sample this is the case.
-I’ve noticed significant clues most people would overlook. One thing I’ve noticed in people with PSSD, is they often make associations, which is a big clue. According to data so far this is statistically significant. There is a lot more you can see it on the discord server.
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