PSSD caused by poor metabolism of specific enzymes?

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PSSD caused by poor metabolism of specific enzymes?

Unread post by ihatelexapro444 »

Lexapro/Escitalopram: CYP2C19 (36%), CYP2D6 (30%), and CYP3A4 (34%)
Trintellix/Vortioxetine: CYP2D6
Cymbalta/Duloxetine: CYP2D6 and CYP1A2

According to studies, specific ethnicity tends to have poorer metabolism of these enzymes, whereas others are stronger. China's favourite antidepressants are reported to be "Results suggest that Deanxit, Paroxetine, and Fluoxetine are currently the most prescribed antidepressants in China". If you search up each of these medications' metabolism, you will find that both Paroxetine and Fluoxetine's central metabolism is CYP2D6, and according to a study, Chinese people have strong metabolism of CYP2D6, while Caucasians tend to have weaker CYP2D6.

I believe this has been a thing for a while now, but there is DNA testing that one can do to see which antidepressant will be most compatible. Has anyone here done this?

"having a poor metabolism of certain enzymes can increase the amount of medication in the blood, which can potentially lead to an increased risk of side effects or toxicity."
"If a person with a low metabolism gene for an antidepressant takes a medication that is primarily metabolized by the affected enzyme, they may experience a slower rate of drug clearance from their body. This could lead to higher levels of the medication in their system, which could increase the risk of side effects."
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Re: PSSD caused by poor metabolism of specific enzymes?

Unread post by Numby »

There is a study about poor metabolizers which says that they are more likely to suffer from sexual side effects. I think it’s this one:

It’s a free-access article.
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Re: PSSD caused by poor metabolism of specific enzymes?

Unread post by prop »

No, no, no. This has been done to death already. People have posted their DNA results. PSSD is not caused by CYP enzyme deficiency, although that may increase the likelihood since it makes your dose effectively larger than expected.
Archive of PSSD recovery stories:
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