Blackout estradiol trial

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Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Blackout »

Well, after lots of thinking, starting today July 30, 2017, I'm in in this. Maybe this is suicide for me -and a slow, painful one- but I'm tired of everything, living in a hell way bigger than PSSD itself.

Today I applied a 25 mcg transdermal patch and took one 25 mg pill of mesterolone -DHT synthetic analogue. It has been 2 hours and I still don't feel anything, but of course this is too soon to judge.

As I have stated numerous times, I'm not the ideal candidate for this given my poor health, but the way I got PSSD -having depleted my body of estradiol a few months before starting SSRI- and the fact that my only window came when I was trying testosterone without an aromatase inhibitor -and taking into account that my natural was to be a high estradiol male-, all of that makes me believe that yes, estradiol is the solution, even when now, 7 years on PSSD and 6 years after that sole one night full window, my bad health probably won't be on my side to get any benefit from this. So, the fact that this trial turns out to be another miserable failure for me, doesn't mean that it should be for others; but on the other side, if someone as sick as myself can have some benefit from this, then I could be sure that everybody could have.

Just a favor, a big favor please. I beg for some guidance of the people illustrated in the matter. My mental deterioration doesn't allow me to even understand what should I really do given my circumstances. My total loss of short term memory and inability to comprehend anything new, believe it or not since my written expression is quite good despite not being my mother language don't let me comprehend really what I should do. I'M NOT LAZY -for those who can think so-, I'M REALLY FUCKED UP IN PARTS OF MY MIND. I was extremely intelligent a long time ago, today my written language maybe still reflects that, but inside, I'm destroyed. Someone asked me some months back to translate the PSSD site to Spanish version, but I can't, I really have a very hard time fighting to earn on average some $5 USD per day -and this by itself can hamper my experiment sooner or later. I would like to do it, but really, I'm not lazy, I can barely survive coping not only with PSSD but with my extremely abusive 'family' and I'm sure that the day to day abuse has a lot to do with my mental deterioration, but the point is, I can't do more than I do now.

So, please, could someone tell me if I should add testosterone replacement since my normal levels are within low end of range? I believe having read somewhere that a good level of testosterone can protect against undesired estradiol effects -my most feared being thrombosis, then biliary cirrhosis-. Help please. Take into account that you are not helping me, but helping yourselves since this experiment could give us a better picture of this.

Thank you, people
Last edited by Blackout on Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Glitch »

I was planning on starting a trial of estrogen+DHT in a couple weeks because I have bloodwork tomorrow. If my progesterone comes out high, I'm not going to start the trial. Maybe you should get your Progesterone tested too. If it's high, there is probably a better way to treat it because we won't be shooting in the dark.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Blackout »

My progesterone -at least since I have had PSSD, before I don't know- is always just 0.1 unit below range, so , no problem with that for me. The only thing regarding hormones that makes me uneasy with this, is my free T being non existent.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Jaxx »

Best of luck, im confident half the forum will read your experience with great interest!
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Blackout »

I hope not to cause a disappointment, since over the course of the years I've tended to fail in almost every single experiment mentioned in this forum and the original one. But I know this must be different. Even if my health at this point doesn't allow me to benefit or recover, everything matches the estradiol theory.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by namaste »

Blackout wrote:I hope not to cause a disappointment, since over the course of the years I've tended to fail in almost every single experiment mentioned in this forum and the original one. But I know this must be different. Even if my health at this point doesn't allow me to benefit or recover, everything matches the estradiol theory.
Just curious - how did you decide what type of dose to use for the estradiol patch? Was it labeled on the box?

I've read that you shouldn't go over 50-75 mg of mesterolone a day, otherwise you risk suppression.

Just remember, it might take a few weeks to feel different. I wish you the best of luck!
Last edited by namaste on Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by nasibi »

If you are a male, then I would definitely recommend you to take Testosterone along with it, preferably injections. Moreover you can use HCG along with it, it will prevent any testis atrophy. Hcg also spikes estradiol by itself. No need for seperate estradiol intake.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. :(
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by namaste »

nasibi wrote:If you are a male, then I would definitely recommend you to take Testosterone along with it, preferably injections. Moreover you can use HCG along with it, it will prevent any testis atrophy. Hcg also spikes estradiol by itself. No need for seperate estradiol intake.
He is attempting to replicate the recent rat study. I'm not a doctor, but I would say he should stick with the regimen he's on now, as it most closely matches the stack that led to positive results.
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by nasibi »

namaste wrote:
nasibi wrote:If you are a male, then I would definitely recommend you to take Testosterone along with it, preferably injections. Moreover you can use HCG along with it, it will prevent any testis atrophy. Hcg also spikes estradiol by itself. No need for seperate estradiol intake.
He is attempting to replicate the recent rat study. I'm not a doctor, but I would say he should stick with the regimen he's on now, as it most closely matches the stack that led to positive results.
Well in that case, then he should strive to replicate the study as strictly as he can.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. :(
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Re: Blackout estradiol trial

Unread post by Blackout »

namaste wrote:Just curious - how did you decide what type of dose to use for the estradiol patch? Was it labeled on the box?

I've read that you shouldn't go over 50-75 mg of mesterolone a day, otherwise you risk suppression.

Just remember, it might take a few weeks to feel different. I wish you the best of luck!
I decided to start with the available lowest dose patch, but it may be too low perhaps. Don't know.

Regarding mesterolone, my story begins a few months before the start of sertraline intake, precisely when during my worst -and last- depressive-anxious-psychotic crissis, I decided to take up to 100 mg mesterolone alone. Took it 2 weeks, the spike in my already monster libido was incredible, but then suppression came in with full force. Since mesterolone doesn't aromatize, I'm sure that by that time, not only did I lost my own testosterone production, but I was depleted of estradiol. Then a couple months later began a PCT to restore my axis while depression was at its peak, then began with sertraline, and the nightmare began. I'm sure that something related to my hormonal suppression at that time was the brake that allowed the switch of sertraline to turn me off permanently. That's why I think estradiol could really have a huge role on the PSSD mechanism. That, and the fact I explained in the opening message, when I got all my libido back during a single night when my estradiol was super high during a testosterone trial a year later -and then I took arimidex, believing that it could help, but I guess it did just the opposite and that's why testosterone alone did nothing.
nasibi wrote:If you are a male, then I would definitely recommend you to take Testosterone along with it, preferably injections. Moreover you can use HCG along with it, it will prevent any testis atrophy. Hcg also spikes estradiol by itself. No need for seperate estradiol intake.
I have taken HCG numerous times in the past, but I don't know if I became tolerant to it since during the last time it did nothing to raise my T. On the other hand, since I mistakenly began taking arimidex every time I did testosterone/HCG, I didn't allow the estradiol to raise as I desire now.
namaste wrote:He is attempting to replicate the recent rat study. I'm not a doctor, but I would say he should stick with the regimen he's on now, as it most closely matches the stack that led to positive results.
Yes, I guess that exogen estradiol would rise it more than just taking HCG or testosterone and let it aromatize. But on the other hand I'm afraid how much will it rise, since I don't have money to monitor it frequently at least during the first weeks.
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