Survey on rare diseases (including PSSD) in a master's thesis.

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Survey on rare diseases (including PSSD) in a master's thesis.

Unread post by Valkyrie »

Hello everyone,

A friend of mine is currently writing his master's thesis and through a conversation with him he has included PSSD in his work. The aim is to shed more light on rare, previously under-researched diseases and to facilitate subsequent research.

I will share the results with you once he has finished his thesis, although it depends on the permission of the professor, which should probably not be a problem at the moment.

Due to the controversial nature of the topic, he has not asked for verification via email, but please only complete the form once. (So it's anonymous!)

Depending on participation in the survey, I have suggested that he make a donation to the PSSD Network.

I hope that the topic will gradually receive more attention.


You are welcome to share.
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