Heavy crash trough B-Vitamins (or Quercetine), seriously!?

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Heavy crash trough B-Vitamins (or Quercetine), seriously!?

Unread post by SilentSufferer »


I'm back again sadly with bad news.
Because of my NSI-189 induced neuropathy, I was taking a B complex, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, and algae oil (omega 3) to make sure I had enough of them despite my average diet. I started the stack at the beginning of August. Around mid-August, I stopped all but the ALA because I was feeling worse regarding the anhedonia. So I only continued to take ALA from which I know I can tolerate (I've been taking it intermittently since the beginning of the year) and helps my neuropathy significantly.
I took all the other supplements out of the cupboard and threw them frustrated in the trash. In the process I discovered an opened bottle of quercetin and bromelain that was about to expire. Since I had a cold from a big folk festival I decided to add it to the ALA. It's also a powerful antioxidant and they should synergize well each other I thought. I only took the quercetin (800 mg per day) for about a week until I felt better from the flu.
Anyway, by now it was the end of August and I was feeling worse and worse. The rest of my pathetic libido dropped to zero, I even got ED which I never had before. My whole genital become more numb. At the end of September I stopped also ALA to make a break again (I take it every 3 hours because of possible heavy metals, see cutler protocol).

To this day I am not getting better and I am thinking what could have gone wrong. Although I have since been shocked to discover that quercetin is supposed to be inhibitory to 5 alpha reductase in some degree, I have used the same quercetin brand back then (around fall 2019) for a few weeks for my pelvic/prostate symptoms and it helped, not crashed me (there are also studies who supporting this for CPPS). I also never found someone who got PSSD/PFS from Quercetine, the only natural herbs which are supposed to can trough anecdotal reports are Saw Palmetto, 5-HTP and Ashwaganda.
So for me only the B vitamins come into question. I have also found people on the PSSD/PFS forum and Reddit who claim to have crashed due to B vitamins. The theory is that they methylate the DNA, so silencing our silenced genes even further.
What kind of sick sickness is that where you even can't take some B vitamins? I have not even taken methylated forms, just natural extracts of tulsi, lemon and guava (all organic). No SSRI or finasteride pill, just fucking B Vitamins.
Has anyone also crashed on B vitamins and gotten better? Is there anything I can use to speed up the process, e.g. lithium orotate to demethylate again?
I have never felt so bad in my PSSD "career" and I am becoming suicidal again.

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Re: Heavy crash trough B-Vitamins (or Quercetine), seriously!?

Unread post by ErgogenicHealth »

Hey man,

I know how you're feeling. It sucks a lot. Even B-Vitamins can numb me back up as well. We just have to be super careful what we take. I literally thought about the Lithium Orotate too, but I am too scared to try that.
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Re: Heavy crash trough B-Vitamins (or Quercetine), seriously!?

Unread post by Tree »

Niacin, inositol, and b6 all caused worsening symptoms for me. It's all serotonin related.
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Re: Heavy crash trough B-Vitamins (or Quercetine), seriously!?

Unread post by PEUS_DEUS »

SilentSufferer wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:37 am Hello,

I'm back again sadly with bad news.
Because of my NSI-189 induced neuropathy, I was taking a B complex, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, and algae oil (omega 3) to make sure I had enough of them despite my average diet. I started the stack at the beginning of August. Around mid-August, I stopped all but the ALA because I was feeling worse regarding the anhedonia. So I only continued to take ALA from which I know I can tolerate (I've been taking it intermittently since the beginning of the year) and helps my neuropathy significantly.
I took all the other supplements out of the cupboard and threw them frustrated in the trash. In the process I discovered an opened bottle of quercetin and bromelain that was about to expire. Since I had a cold from a big folk festival I decided to add it to the ALA. It's also a powerful antioxidant and they should synergize well each other I thought. I only took the quercetin (800 mg per day) for about a week until I felt better from the flu.
Anyway, by now it was the end of August and I was feeling worse and worse. The rest of my pathetic libido dropped to zero, I even got ED which I never had before. My whole genital become more numb. At the end of September I stopped also ALA to make a break again (I take it every 3 hours because of possible heavy metals, see cutler protocol).

To this day I am not getting better and I am thinking what could have gone wrong. Although I have since been shocked to discover that quercetin is supposed to be inhibitory to 5 alpha reductase in some degree, I have used the same quercetin brand back then (around fall 2019) for a few weeks for my pelvic/prostate symptoms and it helped, not crashed me (there are also studies who supporting this for CPPS). I also never found someone who got PSSD/PFS from Quercetine, the only natural herbs which are supposed to can trough anecdotal reports are Saw Palmetto, 5-HTP and Ashwaganda.
So for me only the B vitamins come into question. I have also found people on the PSSD/PFS forum and Reddit who claim to have crashed due to B vitamins. The theory is that they methylate the DNA, so silencing our silenced genes even further.
What kind of sick sickness is that where you even can't take some B vitamins? I have not even taken methylated forms, just natural extracts of tulsi, lemon and guava (all organic). No SSRI or finasteride pill, just fucking B Vitamins.
Has anyone also crashed on B vitamins and gotten better? Is there anything I can use to speed up the process, e.g. lithium orotate to demethylate again?
I have never felt so bad in my PSSD "career" and I am becoming suicidal again.

I megadosed quercitin recently to test out a theory. For me it numbs me up completely then provides a rebound a few days later and provides a window.

Some B vitamins make me worse. Magnesium too if taken frequently. Though I eventually return to the poor baseline.
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