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Cyproheptadine is MAGIC for me...

Unread post by ErgogenicHealth »

Okay so I am trying to figure out why Cyproheptadine is so good for me.

My background:
Contracted PSSD from Ashwagandha usage, emotional numbing, low cortisol symptoms, dizziness, low blood pressure, craving salt like crazy, and LOW aldosterone.

So essentially what happens to me is this.

If I dose 1mg of Cyproheptadine, I don't even really notice the sedative effects. But it dramatically improves my sleep scores when used 4 hours before bed. With adequate carbs.

So then I will wake up feeling WORSE and weak, and my PSSD symptoms/emotional numbness is worsened. However, this is what I am trying to figure out... 3 days LATER, I will wake up entirely CURED of ALL my symptoms... Like a miracle.... I can train extremely hard, I feel strong, I feel alive, completely reversed PSSD symptoms. It's like I have a vibrational rush in my head again, and I feel super energetic. Essentially when I feel like this (3 days after Cypro) I basically feel 10/10 in every single department. Libido Sky high, Energy sky high, I feel I can HOLD water better.

Is this just a cortisol rebound? (Rebound elevation of Cortisol following cyproheptadine withdrawal in Cushing’s disease from a pituitary macroadenoma)
Is this 5HT1A related?
Is this mineralocorticoid related?

Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? I am literally stumped.
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Re: Cyproheptadine is MAGIC for me...

Unread post by AdvencedResearchPL »

for me it was not so magical, I was sleepy and stupid on it
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Re: Cyproheptadine is MAGIC for me...

Unread post by Delfador »

I experimented with cypro quite a lot...nothing good came from it. It overall worsened my state.
It also made me so sleepy and tired for weeks ...
But then again i was taking about 4 to 24 mg a day
Maybe I should try low doses like 1 mg but i'm too scared to lose my gains
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Re: Cyproheptadine

Unread post by Ghost »

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Re: Cyproheptadine

Unread post by emotionalhurry7129 »

Has anyone who tried cyproheptadine eventually recovered? Do you know of any recovery stories that mention cyproheptadine? I understand cyproheptadine can provide temporary relief. But I have not seen any recovery stories where people mention having taken cyproheptadine/periactin in the past.

Here are two spreadsheets compiling recovery stories, neither mention Cyproheptadine or Periactin even once: ... G-tXdqa2qM ... =746811409

Its total absence from this list makes me worry that while it may treat symptoms in the short term, it maybe could prevent recovery on the long term? This is just conjecture, I'd love to be proven wrong. From what I can tell there have been no published studies recommending Cyproheptadine as a possible treatment for PSSD, only for SSRI-SD.

Is the idea that it is to be taken indefinitely to address PSSD symptoms? Or that I will take them for a month or so which will put me on the road to recovery?
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Re: Cyproheptadine

Unread post by PEUS_DEUS »

Cyproheptadine completely cures all my symptoms for a single day 5 days after acute dosing. As for your question on long term improvement... the effect seems additive and can provide long term improvements with microdoses after a full dose rebound. The catch is you have to be able to put up with the side effects. Also if treatment is stopped (my experience) I go right back to baseline. Also the listed pharmacology is incorrect and incomplete.
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Re: Cyproheptadine

Unread post by sinceCelexa2010 »

I tried cyproheptadine and didn’t notice any effects.
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