The thing is, with a small enough dose of estrogen even a male can take it for years without extreme problems (assuming no hormonal irregularities). Maybe it would have to be cycled to prevent permanent changes to test levels. But would such a small dose be effective for pssd, I don't know. Plus you'd have to live a very clean lifestyle which isn't ideal for some of us.Glitch wrote:Yeah, that Rat study doesn't specify whether it was permanent or not. I still don't get how they figured out how to do that with estrogen though. I feel like we are actually close to cracking this.
Based on my previous experiences I do think it is temporary, but perhaps not if taken for long enough in the right conditions. Every other use of estrogen I know of, it only lasts while you take it unless you take it for years.
Today I noticed big improvements in erectile function and arousal (response to visual stimuli) buy it only lasted 20 minutes or so. I used a lot of dht this morning and also have only smoked about a third or less of what I normally do so I assume one of those factors is responsible.