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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Blackout »

lost_soul wrote:Bumping again because no one's said yet, do we need DHT too? If you have any idea let me know ASAP because I need to order before tomorrow evening 9PM BST as the source is temporarily shutting down for a few weeks. It's VERY expensive but if it's going to increase the chances of recovery it's worth it.

Also, is andractim cream a sufficient form of DHT?
I don't know about the dose. That was the main reason I didn't try that combo when it was first mentioned in the forum . Also that if I had managed to try, in my country there is no 5a DHT available, only the analogue mesterolone and also drostanolone of doubtful quality from underground labs. In any case, estradiol alone would supress your HPT axis and that would make you impotent either with or without PSSD. I guess it is necessary some androgen to counter the anti sexual effects that high estradiol could otherwise have in men, DHT for the purpose of the study -what dose I don't know-, and perhaps testosterone to maintain whatever sexual function you have/could gain from the resetting? Just wondering... I really don't understand much. You need the opinion of someone with better knowledge on this.
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by lost_soul »

Blackout wrote:
lost_soul wrote:Bumping again because no one's said yet, do we need DHT too? If you have any idea let me know ASAP because I need to order before tomorrow evening 9PM BST as the source is temporarily shutting down for a few weeks. It's VERY expensive but if it's going to increase the chances of recovery it's worth it.

Also, is andractim cream a sufficient form of DHT?
I don't know about the dose. That was the main reason I didn't try that combo when it was first mentioned in the forum . Also that if I had managed to try, in my country there is no 5a DHT available, only the analogue mesterolone and also drostanolone of doubtful quality from underground labs. In any case, estradiol alone would supress your HPT axis and that would make you impotent either with or without PSSD. I guess it is necessary some androgen to counter the anti sexual effects that high estradiol could otherwise have in men, DHT for the purpose of the study -what dose I don't know-, and perhaps testosterone to maintain whatever sexual function you have/could gain from the resetting? Just wondering... I really don't understand much. You need the opinion of someone with better knowledge on this.
Estrogen alone doesn't make you impotent. If you look at mtf transgender hormone therapy, they still get erections and everything after months and months of estrogen and antiandrogens
21, male, extreme pssd for four years
Tried inositol (slight improvements) cialis (very limited improvements) yohimbine (slight improvements) maca root (no effect) bacopa monieri (no effect) estradiol-17b (pronounced improvement in all areas of sexuality)
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Kk88 »

I think this needs some more expert knowledge than just trying estridol - can someone offer some advice on dosage? Dht? Etc? More than willing to try but I don't know enough
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Ghost »

Also should note that in the rat study they used 17β-estradiol (E2) and and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). They had the largest effect when used together.
- Medical Student & Friendly poltergeist - Lexapro Sept '14. [Hx] [PSSD Lab] [r/PSSD] [Treatment Plan] - Add "Ghost" in replies so I see it :)
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by lost_soul »

Ghost wrote:Also should note that in the rat study they used 17β-estradiol (E2) and and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). They had the largest effect when used together.
Alright, I'll order some DHT.
21, male, extreme pssd for four years
Tried inositol (slight improvements) cialis (very limited improvements) yohimbine (slight improvements) maca root (no effect) bacopa monieri (no effect) estradiol-17b (pronounced improvement in all areas of sexuality)
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by forexworld12 »

Bigmum need update for the 2nd day
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Bigmum »

Hmmm....little nusea seems to be main symptome
Still nothing that could be sign of improovement there were a moments that i felt some excitement down my backbone...
Sorry for my bad (terrible) English.
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by lost_soul »

Hi guys, just ordered some DHT but for logistical reasons I think it'll be 5 or 6 weeks before I have it (assuming it's delivered OK >_<). The estrofem will be there by then too and I'll go all out. I'll focus on improving my diet and quitting smoking until I have both products here. Any advice is appreciated.
21, male, extreme pssd for four years
Tried inositol (slight improvements) cialis (very limited improvements) yohimbine (slight improvements) maca root (no effect) bacopa monieri (no effect) estradiol-17b (pronounced improvement in all areas of sexuality)
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Recovery »

I wish all the best for you guys.

Hopefully you will have the same ''luck'' as the rats in the study...100% recovery/cure and therefore a whole new life!
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Re: Estrogen

Unread post by Ghost »

Check these out. Granted, the second one shows SERT in FEMALE rats, BUT the Limon-morales et al. study suggests that 17b-estradiol and DHT combo restored sex in male rats. So this might translate over. This would give a direct link from hormone to SERT density, which would then explain changes in 5HT1A AR desensitization.

Serotonin transporter SERT mRNA and binding site densities in male rat brain affected by sex steroids
Judith K. McQueen, Helen Wilson, Barbara E.H. Sumner, George Fink

Estrogen increases serotonin transporter SERT mRNA and binding sites in female rat brain. In order to determine whether changes in SERT are gender- and steroid-specific we have now carried out studies on adult male Wistar rats which were either intact or castrated under halothane anesthesia and injected with arachis oil, estradiol benzoate EB , testosterone propionate TP or the non-aromatizable androgen, 5a-dihydrotestosterone 5Ž . Ž. a-DHT . The number of SERT mRNA-expressing cells in the dorsal raphe DR nucleus was decreased by castration and increased by treatment for 32 h with EB or TP, but not 5a-DHT. Sex steroids had no effect on the number of SERT mRNA-expressing cells in the median raphe nucleus. The density of SERT sites, assessed by autoradiography of
w3H paroxetine binding, was significantly reduced in arcuate nucleus and median raphe after castration, and increased in arcuate, x basolateral amygdala and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus by treatment with EB or TP, but not 5a-DHT. Estradiol, but not testosterone or 5a-DHT reduced the density of SERT sites in midbrain central grey.These data show that testosterone as well as estrogen affects SERT expression in male brain, and that the action of testosterone probably depends upon its enzymatic conversion, by aromatase, to estradiol. Our findings may have implications for sex steroid control of mood and behavior, and the action of neurotoxic derivatives of amphetamine, such as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, in the human.

"the action of testosterone on the SERT expression in brain is likely to be due to its enzymatic conversion by aromatase to estradiol-17b."

Estradiol-17 beta increases serotonin transporter (SERT) mRNA levels and the density of SERT-binding sites in female rat brain.
McQueen JK1, Wilson H, Fink G.

PMID: 9105666
- Medical Student & Friendly poltergeist - Lexapro Sept '14. [Hx] [PSSD Lab] [r/PSSD] [Treatment Plan] - Add "Ghost" in replies so I see it :)
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