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by Blackout
Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:41 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Depression/Anhedonia
Replies: 11
Views: 6769

Re: PSSD vs Depression/Anhedonia

SSRI Anhedonia is very REAL. Apart from not being able to feel ANYTHING at this point in my life, just some kind of plain despair lacking any noradrenaline, and apart that my penis is now -5 years since PSSD- totally dead, useless to have sex- but ironically, when I masturbate, I becomes almost comp...
by Blackout
Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:18 pm
Forum: PSSD related research
Topic: Stress (Symptoms/Treatment)
Replies: 45
Views: 24561

Re: Stress

My cortisol always comes on the low end of range, I also checked my ACTH and it is low too. I read that those who have PTSD (repeat, PTSD, not PSSD) and most of my current stress comes from PTSD have very low levels of cortisol. I understand that this means that my adrenals burnt at some point due t...
by Blackout
Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:14 pm
Forum: General
Topic: antibiotics
Replies: 8
Views: 5978

Re: antibiotics

blackout, did you not feel any worstening effects from the AB use? what is a URI? is it another way of saying UTI? URI, I guessed it meant Upper Respiratory Infection. Regarding worsening, as I said, it is quite possible that my only window after stopping mianserin and that lasted some 2 and a half...
by Blackout
Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:21 pm
Forum: General
Topic: antibiotics
Replies: 8
Views: 5978

Re: antibiotics

Well, so stress and antibiotic overuse are my total bye bye to any dreaming about being at least 1/9th normal again. I can account how many antibiotics and for how long I have used them during these years: 2011 (while I was on sertraline) -A month on a fourth generation cephalosporin which I don't r...
by Blackout
Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:44 am
Forum: General
Topic: Lack of libido or asexuality?
Replies: 5
Views: 5228

Re: Lack of libido or asexuality?

PSSD made me nearly asexual (within days!). Many people with PSSD became nearly asexual instead of a mere lack of libido. PSSD can cause that women/men don't attract you much anymore and that there is no love anymore. It's one of the worst things PSSD can cause. Chemically induced asexuality, yes, ...
by Blackout
Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:57 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Lack of libido or asexuality?
Replies: 5
Views: 5228

Re: Lack of libido or asexuality?

As someone who was raised to see anything sexual with overt aversion and at the same time having to cope with a very high libido, they are totally different things. I always tried to fight my sexual nature, and at one point convinced me that I wanted to be asexual. In early 2005 I managed to go 4 mo...
by Blackout
Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:46 pm
Forum: Treatments and experimentation
Topic: Mianserin
Replies: 175
Views: 72281

Re: Cured by Mianserin 30 mg

so you think mirtazapine made the meotional blunting and anhedonai worse? but you didnt feel that with mianserin, but in fact had the opposite effect? That mianserin seemed to offer some small improvemets? Yes, that's it. However I have to mention that at the time I was taking mirtazapine, I also w...
by Blackout
Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:01 pm
Forum: General
Topic: How to deplete serotonin in the raphe nuclei?
Replies: 10
Views: 10937

Re: How to deplete serotonin in the raphe nuclei?

I have a crazy thought. serotonin is made from tryptohan. tyrptophn is an essential amino acid, meaning it is not produced by the body. If we go on a diet of healthy facts, like canola oil (1 tbps=130 caalories) and supplemented with vitamins and minerals and every other essential amino acid except...
by Blackout
Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: Treatments and experimentation
Topic: Mianserin
Replies: 175
Views: 72281

Re: Cured by Mianserin 30 mg

Mirtazapine is different, im slightly confised as info about it on wiki and on other sites, and as described by stephen stahl (if anyone hasnt then buy stephen stahls 4th edition, its the best thing ive read) it takes the brakes of sertonin neurons, by antagonising presynaptic a2 receptors on 5ht n...
by Blackout
Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:14 pm
Forum: Treatments and experimentation
Topic: Mianserin
Replies: 175
Views: 72281

Re: Cured by Mianserin 30 mg

Blackout did the mianserin not help with reducing the terror etc? How long after stopping mianserin did the terror start? the terror which I know so well (is it terror for NO reason? with no thoughts behind it, just the sensation of severe terror?) is a lesser form of akathisia, my akathisia when i...